Fight Like A Girl
Fight Like A Girl

Fight Like A Girl

Self Defense for Women,

By Women

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Start from zero

Start from zero

Knock Out is designed for beginners with no experience in self-defense. Learn to protect yourself from the comfort of your home using fundamental intuition and basic maneuvers.



Since completing the course, I've noticed a huge boost in my confidence and sense of security. I now feel more prepared to handle threats, whether it's walking alone at night or dealing with physical confrontations.


As a grad student, I struggled to find time to take a self-defense class. Knock Out is flexible and fits into my schedule, allowing me to learn on my own terms.


The online format allows me to revisit lessons whenever I need a refresher, so that I retain the knowledge and skills learned. I recommend Knock Out to all my friends and family because I truly believe it's a must-have for anyone looking to empower themselves with self-defense skills.


The instructor's expertise and clear teaching style make even the more complex moves easy to understand and practice. What I love most is how practical the lessons are – every move taught feels relevant and applicable to real-life situations.

Train at your convenience

Access Knock Out's self defense lessons anytime, anywhere, using your phone, laptop, or tablet

Train at your convenience
Train at your convenience
Train at your convenience
Train at your convenience

Enjoy Lifetime Access to Self Defense Lessons

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the membership?

Users will gain access to a catalogue of videos that diligently walk the user through basic self-defense maneuvers. The lessons show each maneuver several times, from different angles, in slow motion, and paused with graphics highlighting important cues. 

Can I use my mobile phone?

We recommend accessing the videos on your laptop or tablet. However, you can absolutely use your mobile phone if that is the most convenient option for you!

How can I practice self-defense alone?

Several of the fundamental maneuvers can be practiced alone. Self-defense training is of course most effective when practiced with a partner, and we encourage you to train with one or several trusted friends!